LEDs are so popular in electronics. They are used in many applications from toys, flashlights, computer peripherals, digital cameras, cellphones, etc.
My first electronic circuit was to light an LED and sadly It was destroyed because of high voltage. That was before, but now I know how these little things work and I'm enjoying every thing about it.
The figure on the left(top) is the schematic diagram representation on an LED.
LEDs comes in various colors the photo on the left(bottom) shows three different colors of leds. The clear LED can be thought of as a white LED, infact it's just casing. The clear LED can have other variations of color like bright red, blue, bright green.
The clear/transparent LEDs gives a much brighter intensity of light that it emits.
The color that an LED emits depends on the gas used inside it
My first electronic circuit was to light an LED and sadly It was destroyed because of high voltage. That was before, but now I know how these little things work and I'm enjoying every thing about it.
The figure on the left(top) is the schematic diagram representation on an LED.
LEDs comes in various colors the photo on the left(bottom) shows three different colors of leds. The clear LED can be thought of as a white LED, infact it's just casing. The clear LED can have other variations of color like bright red, blue, bright green.
The clear/transparent LEDs gives a much brighter intensity of light that it emits.
The color that an LED emits depends on the gas used inside it
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